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スクリーンショット 2023-08-26 225813.png
スクリーンショット 2023-08-27 232716.png

Synthetic Reflections

Synthetic Reflections is a self-portrait series by Emi Kusano, accumulating visions of the future once imagined by the past and lyrically illustrating their unique anticipations towards the technology of their times. In an era of post-truth where AI shapes identity, Emi, through her work, explores the impacts of this technological revolution and the timeless human desire to leave an imprint on oneself.


Each piece captures Kusano in a retro-futuristic world, an alternate universe where echoes of past dreams and future visions blend. They evoke a unique blend of nostalgia and boldness. Imagine a magazine cover where classic and modern fashion photography intertwines, stimulating a dialogue between the observer and the self-portrait that transcends time.


Questioning the significance of self-image in a mutable reality formed by generative AI, these portraits evolve into dynamic reflections of our identity, perpetually inquiring about the meaning of self-immortality.


"Synthetic Reflections" merges art, technology, and fashion, navigating the duality of personal and universal, transitory and eternal. Welcome to this journey that reflects the pursuit of identity in a post-truth world. Despite our era being synthetic, it stands testament to the enduring human desire to be seen, understood, and remembered.

「Synthetic Reflections」は、草野絵美のセルフポートレイト・シリーズで、過去から想像されてきた未来へのビジョンを詩的に織り交ぜています。AI技術が我々のアイデンティティを形成する現代において、草野の作品は技術革命の影響や、人としての存在を記録として残すという永遠の探求をテーマにしています。


「Synthetic Reflections」は、芸術、技術、ファッションの要素を巧みに組み合わせ、個と普遍、一時的と永遠の狭間での探求を進めています。私たちが生きるこの時代がどれほど技術的に進化しても、人としての存在感や理解されたいという願望は変わらないことを感じさせる作品となっています。


Emi Kusano

Tokyo-based multidisciplinary artist who explores retro-futurism, accelerationism, and nostalgia for Japanese youth culture and anime. Her current career began as a street photographer in Harajuku, Tokyo, and has expanded to encompass everything from installations to music. Currently, Kusano is pioneering in the field of post-photography, an art form that blends reality and fiction, combining old and new media to create a new visual language beyond the traditional boundaries of photography. Her groundbreaking work was selected as the first AI cover for WWD Japan and she continues to shape the future as a member of the Japanese Government’s Cultural  Council. In addition, the anime project Shinsei Galverse, which she co-founded, has achieved record-breaking success and is further accelerating anime creation within the community using AI.

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